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Que buena pinta tiene esto, tiene una atmosfera increible. Al llegar a casa me lo descargo ;)

Muchas gracias!
Aun no hay disponible una version de descarga, pero se puede jugar en navegador. Debido a los servidores, la resolucion es inferior a la real, pero se puede arreglar haciendo zoom en el navegador para poder visualizarlo mejor.
De todas formas habra una actualizacion del proyecto que llegara en no mucho!

I was drawn in by the art style of the game, and once the game started, I was not disappointed! The decrepit, almost old-Western style pixel art is really interesting and not something I've seen done much. It's almost like a dark Mississippi river or something. I do wish the game screen was bigger, or that I could go full screen or something, because I felt like I was squinting and leaning into my monitor (on a Macbook) to play the game! A bummer because the atmosphere is so cool. The river mini-game was fun too, I like the idea of using different mini games to explore different passenger's ghost stories. Nice work!

Thank you very much for the review and for having played this small fragment of the project in development. I am very glad that you enjoyed it! I'm working on how to make the image resolution higher, but since the project is played in the browser, if I increase it too much, it gets stuck and can't play smoothly. The solution for the moment, I'm afraid, is none other than increasing the zoom in the browser. Again, thank you very much for the contribution and in a short time, there will be content updates such as more minigames and locations! "The Feast is over, and the lamps expire".